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!qQigT1sixA 03/07/12(Wed)03:48 No.18238152 File: 1331110119.jpg-(32 KB, 575x600, 2d-SR3.jpg)
As we edged into a clearing, we saw what had made the moan of pain. The troll had beaten a sasquatch into pulp, and was currently eating its innards raw. As it turns out, this forested area was the Vancouver Wildlife Preserve, and we'd stumbled right onto Sasquatch Island. The troll sniffed at the air, and his head rose. His bloodshot eyes locked onto our location.
DeadMan did one of the few things he was proficient at, and ran like a bitch. Geppetto turned invisible. As 2D began to run, he realized that there was a smarter option than trying to escape conventionally, which is not a channer's strong suit.
No, he backdoored on the commlink hack he'd done earlier, and erased himself from the troll's cybereyes.
Which, incidentally, meant that only the tac-suited ninja was even conventionally visible anymore.
The troll caught up to DeadMan, and gave him a little tap. DeadMan lived up to his name and flew clean through three trees before getting smashed on the trunk of a fourth, sporting two broken legs, a broken arm, four broken ribs, three cracked vertibrae, and whiplash that would stun a rhino.
DeadMan temporarily disposed of, the troll locked onto 2D again, this time by scent, and began hunting him out.
In the real world, Dervish's player got back to the table, and Dervish glanced at the news. You know a fun thing about a criminal SIN broadcasting your identity to anyone who wants to know?
The news headline, featuring a helicopter shot of the action, read,
Dervish and his player both had to fight down a spit-take. |