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!DowN/N3yMY 03/07/12(Wed)08:07 No.18239706 File: 1331125647.gif-(480 KB, 500x281, tumblr_lywqbdcnS31rog9apo1_500.gif)
 >>18239625 "If that Molotov Cocktail is similar to the weapon named as such, I'd like to learn it for my combat support role." "Ah, an explosive potion. I'm not really big on potions that have very little non-combat applications, but I did develop this one on request from the forward teams."
You watch him take some vodka, some ice, and a long match. He drops the ice into a tall glass and pours enough vodka to cover it. He begins to slowly stirring it with the long matchstick.
"For this, you will need any liquid of a relatively high alcohol content. Ice of equal volume to the alchohol, and a small amount of phosphorus."
"As for the emotions you will need, you will have to channel a feeling of explosive energy. Much like winning a race, or jumping off a plane. This memory, this emotion will provide the energy for the explosion itself."
He finishes stirring, and pulls out the match. "Now, it may all seem very simple. But the key is channeling the emotion steadily enough to not have the half finished potion blow up in your face."
He flicks the match towards a nearby wall. *BOOOM!* it explodes and leaves a small crater. "Sorry about that Johnny" he tells his partner. Johnny just quietly regenerates the damage.
he does as he's done countless times before and lets you in behind the bar. "Okay Hayate, your turn."