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!qQigT1sixA 03/07/12(Wed)19:44 No.18245678 File: 1331167463.jpg-(37 KB, 600x423, Shadowrun_Fashion_Label_by_rab(...).jpg)
Hey! Good to see you, buddy!
As it turned out, when he'd been alive, JetBlack was a media shill. When he started spreading out, finding his roots, the Horizon media group had organized his horrible and unfortunate demise, so that his legacy (and tragedy sales) could live on forever. His last act of revenge had been squirreling away his newest tracks, hiding them on a CD intended for Darius, and Darius alone. It should have ended there, but when Horizon began repossessing Jet's things, pillaging his legacy, Darius had to hire Shadowrunners to "liberate" the CD, tripping off this whole situation. Only one of the runners from that team was still alive, a hacker by the name of zipper. Horizon was hot on the trail of what they'd lost, and so greater risks had to be taken.
He glanced at Geppetto uneasily with that last comment.
We were paid in full, and Jet informed us that he owed us one, for not giving us the full details of what we were going up against. We marked Darius St.George and JetBlack in as contacts. Funnily enough, we mostly haven't used them until recently, and by recently I mean two real-world years of roughly biweekly Shadowrunning later.
In other words, Shadowrun Storytime is a thread series that will be going on for a while.
So, for an epilogue before I break for questions and begin setting up for my Pathfinder game:
GEPPETO met and accidentally fucked (as in he screwed her before he knew who she was) Dona Rowena O'Malley of the Seattle Families. Luckily for him, his strain of the virus is non-communicable by fluid exchange. At her recommendation, he signed on with the Merlyns, a subgroup of the Mafia consisting entirely of mages, and said goodbye to his day job and hello to his buttons.
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