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!!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/07/12(Wed)23:22 No.18247794 File: 1331180557.jpg-(125 KB, 500x418, 1299465291300.jpg)
 You bow your head as you are taken to a waiting cargo lifter by the Magos, "Blessings of the Omnissiah be upon you, Magos Grumman. Those fanatics were redlining my cogitators abilities." The hooded head of the Magos turns to view you, his augmented eyes flickering in intricate patterns in the darkness concealing his features. Entertainment, you conclude.
"You should thank Canoness Laci, not I, sister. It was she that alerted me to Canoness Conora's actions." The Magos remains still as the lifter lurches into action, nearly throwing you from your feet. "I note that your augments are rather limited, Elesh. Eighty-two percent of your flesh remains intact, though most of your augmentation consists of your cyber mantle and potentia coil. Even if they are of fine craftsmanship, this is unacceptable for a priest holding the rank of captain! I believe the Omnissiah guided you here for me to remedy this, and perhaps further your training, if you can spare the cycles. Yes, I do believe that is his will." The lifter picks up a shocking speed for such a large craft as you consider the Magos' offer.
>Additional Augments: Bionic Limb (choose which), Bionic organs (choice. eye, eyes, ears, internals, etc), Mechadendrites (choice of type), other? > down time will be D10 days >Additional Training: Industrial (production of large-scale objects or components), Augmentation (crafting/installing bionics), Servitors (build better servitors), Vehichles (small craft, tanks, etc), other? > will require 3D10 days |