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!DowN/N3yMY 03/08/12(Thu)10:18 No.18253035 File: 1331219917.jpg-(24 KB, 389x550, gorilla_cigar.jpg)
 "No, nothing like that, Mike. It's about...well, relations between trainees, and certain living arrangements in the dorms, and what the Bureau has to say about them." you explain. "I've talked it over with the Hartmann's, and we were thinking about moving in together."
He pulls his cigar out of his mouth and blows a magnificent cloud of smoke. "Well kid, the Bureau is not one to get in the way of relationships. We have agents getting together all the time. We would just have to edit your files to reflect the change of rooms, and add a note as to the reason for the change. Leave it to me." he says. "One thing i fail to see is how five people will fit into your small room. You would need to get a larger room, unfortunately all the dorm rooms are identical, or expand it much like Shirou did." "Well, maybe I could ask the Doctor for help? ...wait, five people? It'd just be me and the twins." "Oh? I guess I counted wrong. anyway, that won't be easy, his tek, like the one used for the gym is hard to come by and a bitch to maintain. I suggest finding some other way." "Okay Mike, thanks. Hey, have you had lunch yet? Maybe we could eat together." "Sure hit me up with the usual" he answers you as he puts his cigar out.
You conjure up a table and some chairs. materializing a large bowl of salad and an equally large mug of beer for Mike, and some pasta and juice for yourself.
The rest of lunch passed by in more ordinary conversation. |