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03/09/12(Fri)07:15 No.18263700 File: 1331295331.jpg-(11 KB, 431x250, I was tempted to make it a kat(...).jpg)
 During the Barbarian Quelling of the 16th Age of Kings, Warlord Gorr Broodslayer faced off many times against enemy vanguards upon the fields of battle. His own guard, armed and armored lightly, would not be so fortunate. The Crownguard legions, the elite of the forces of the King, carried greatswords and took to the field in heavy plate. The Broodslayer's own honor guard, while skilled, always took heavy losses. In response, the Warlord commissioned swords like the ones you see on that shelf. They were heacy enough to function as maces, sharp enough to cleave through basic troops, and had the trademark catch in the base. The Crownguard's heavy swords would lose thier momentum when they caught in them, allowing the still lightly honored honor guard to either swing with enough force to crush armor, or, more often, use the spikes on the bottom of the guard or the back of the blade to punch bloody holes in the heavy armor of the King's forces. After the first battle, and a good deal of celebretory drinking, they recieved thier nickname, though they go by Guardbreakers and Vanguard's Banes as well. As you can imagine, Gorr was thrilled. The King, less so. His one advantage was stripped from him. So, he poisoned half the water between the approaching horde and his capital. Took victory with half of Gorr's army dead or dying. You still see these old things around, from time to time.
So, how's about 85 gold? It is a relic of an age past, after all. |