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!DowN/N3yMY 03/09/12(Fri)11:09 No.18265086 File: 1331309354.jpg-(55 KB, 269x380, 6a00d8341c793d53ef00e550287417(...).jpg)
 You quickly check the books out with your badge and follow mike around the back of the library. He lights a cigar and begins talking.
"I went to the library right now to check up on her, and I find you following her across half the floor and trapping her in a dark corner. Sheesh kid, you have all the luck." "I'm sorry again Mike. So, who is she?" "She's the Director." "But I just saw the Director enter AdMin." you tell him. "That was also the Director." "Twins? She said she was just a student." "She is another construct of the Director's. More accurately, a copy of her." "The Director isnt actually human. She started off as being a construct herself by some sort of alien super intelligence. Anyway, that girl, Yuki, is a construct of the Director's." "She manifests her whenever she has some erroneous data to purge. but this time, after the last purge, Yuki didn't come back as normal." "She's basically went haywire, again. This isn't actually a rare occasion. It last happened about 122 years ago from my count." "Instead of forcing her back like last time. The Director has given Yuki some time to herself." "We, the staff, have been keeping tabs on her. Luckily she likes to read and tends to stay in the library most of the time." |