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!!FOs+3LWXJDT 03/09/12(Fri)18:01 No.18268238 File: 1331334107.jpg-(258 KB, 500x648, Young_Wizard_by_Taurina.jpg)
Something else you don’t have on you, but...well. You literally breathe ice, so a solution seems within reach.
Muttering a few words you gesture out to your side, palm up, as a small cloud of frost forms over your hand, dispersing as a mephit of ice shatters into existence, landing on your limb like a brittle hawk.
“Some ice, please...” You intone, holding your other hand out expectantly. The Mephit considers, nods, then moulds the air with his hands, producing a small pebble of solid water vapour to drop into your grasp, “Thanks.”
You nudge your shoulder, prompting it to hop off onto a nearby countertop while you bend down and, after giving it a quick rub with your hands, touch the water source to the young man’s lips, gently pressing it in. For the first while there was little reaction, but as if suddenly sucking on a thunderbolt the man jolted, bringing a shaky hand up to clumsily grasp at the arm providing for him- first weakly trying to keep it there, then moving to explore the shape of the arm itself, blindly deciding whether it belonged to a friend or foe.
Grabbing the hand you bring it down to the pebble for him to grasp, the man rousing enough to open is eyes, a blue not much unlike your own staring back at you, half-vacant, judging your motives with an urgency the rest of his body was too fatigued to reflect. Introductions were in order.
“Victor Frygias,” You introduce tertly, “And before you even dare to ask what I’m doing here, I think you better start explaining why I’ve spent the last day and a half as a bullseye on a target, and WHY there are oozes all over the blasted hold!!” |