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!DowN/N3yMY 03/10/12(Sat)03:12 No.18272610 File: 1331367130.jpg-(86 KB, 495x700, 2bf87b2a11cfdd6560a6a8f8a83974(...).jpg)
 >yuki >erica
You reach out to ted and Jakob. 'Guys, I'm sorry, but where are you?' 'We are just about to go into the library now, sir.' Jakob replies. 'Can you guys come back here real quick? I have a favor to ask of you.' 'Of course sir.'
A few moments later you see Ted running at full speed across the quad, Jakob bouncing around on his back like a little ball of cotton.
"We're here ol' bean. What is it taht you need of us?" Ted asks you. You generate a basket of biscuits and a thermos of tea. "I want you guys to take this to Yuki, the Director, in the library." you say as you hand it to them. "Serve her some tea and apologize for me, if you could." "Of course sir, we'd be glad to." "Bully. Leave it to us." And the two of them head back off to the library.
YOu go inside the gym to see ho well Erica and Shirou are faring. |