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!Q7t.srvWZ6 03/11/12(Sun)20:55 No.18292378 File: 1331513702.jpg-(80 KB, 300x385, demonic-possession.jpg)
You step away from the side of the alley, and rap your fist against the outside chassis of The Hammer. "I'll take it from here, chief." You hurl a couple psibolts down the alley. Voice/Red responds with another of her "warp" bolts, which your attacks smack into, which sounds roughly like to unstoppable forces smacking into the same immovable object, which is made of chalkboards. Clearly, the possession aspect is improving Red's performance above and beyond human norms. If it wasn't clear before when she was tossing you around like a doll, it is now. You sigh. You need to see what is up. Option takes a pot shot, but she deflects the bolt with her scythe.
(2x5, 2x7 and 2x9 on Magesight)
You open your perception on the alley. Surprisingly, its less terrifying than you'd think. You can see the vestiges of the evocations you used earlier, wafting around, along with whatever weird form of space-altering magic Anna has. You can also see the possessed Syrpent. Oddly enough, it looks like how you'd expect, you can see Anna beneath, but with the Voice overlaid her as kind of a mist shape, like it appeared in the dream world. Underneath it, you can see Anna's face. Her eyes are closed, like she's asleep. Given that you're magical, you can accurately process this to mean that she's still in a way asleep, and that the Voice has decided to take a joyride.
Then you hear a small explosion, and blink your Sight away. "Tally ho!" someone shouts. Ashwood lands on is feet in a crouch, katana drawn. There's a silvery box on his chest which smokes faintly. You recognize it as a one-use anti-gravity harness from the W&U catalog. Voicepent takes a sweep at him with the war scythe, but Ashwood blocks, then the two proceed to trade blows back and forth. |