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03/12/12(Mon)15:33 No.18300981 File: 1331580816.png-(6 KB, 640x640, 148.png)
 "You need life to restore her legs? Did someon-" >"No. It's just taxing to perform miracles from here." "Well then, how about my mortality?" >""Hah, funny. No, what would I do with two mortalities? "Well uh, can I do a task for you or something?" >"... I guess you could!" >"This Dark Archmage-fellow seems pretty cool. However, he is doing something that I don't approve. I need you to make sure he won't get one of the things I left behind." "One of the things?" >"My machine." >"Back when Zere was still a great empire, I built a machine of amazing potential. After I ended up here, it got locked up in Xjaal. From what I have gathered, my machine interests Ingram immensely. I want you to recover that machine and bring it to Jania to the guild." "That sounds awfully difficult." >"Locating Xjaal might be bit difficult. Flying, invisible... However, the eyes I granted you can see through such veils! The Dark Archmage is awfully powerful, but even he cannot see through the veil of Xjaal. The Xjaal is guarded, so bring some backup." "Uh, where is Xjaal?" >"Beats me. Probably flying around ancient Zere. I will give you plenty of time to find it. However, I will snap your lady friend's leg again if you just forget your task. So, are you okay with this pact?" |