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!!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/12/12(Mon)20:13 No.18303680 File: 1331597604.jpg-(84 KB, 971x523, MCShip_SwordoftheOmnissiah.jpg)
 "I shall not fail you, Magos Phryx." Enginseer Advi bows before exiting the bridge, mechadendrites excitedly dancing about. You turn your attention to Julin, clearly nervous as your cogitators judge her. "Master-At-Arms, I'll require more armsmen for our next mission. While I'm sure Athe has searched for experienced groups, perhaps you can locate a few she hadn't." Julin grins as you promote her, though it quickly fades as you continue with your orders.
"Captain, I fear that any experienced groups will be wary of serving under a, uhm, an inexperienced captain. I believe that green armsmen will be your best option, though you'll lose perhaps thirty percent in a real boarding action. Even with your impressive earnings from Magos Banks." There is a blatant conflict upon your Master-At-Arms' mind, perhaps she believes her opinion bad news. "If you'll excuse me, Captain, I'll be on my way."
"Not so fast, promoted scum!" Athe is upon your Master-At-Arms in an instant, securing her stunned prey with an arm about the neck. "I took the liberty of arranging a little something, Captain. We're booked at Gerin's place for later, even this juuve here" Julin receives a slight shake before Athe releases your new officer. Your officers' eyes meet, Master-At-Arms glaring daggers toward your smugly amused XO. "Save your ire for later, Julin. You can take your revenge at Gerin's, should you be brave enough to match Athe's bet. I suggest you prepare until then." Flustered, Julin finally takes her leave.
Athe retrieves her dataslate once you are alone, taking a seat upon your command throne's arm. "Our fellows have encountered some poor luck, though some interesting rumors have returned with a few crews. Shall I begin with the market prices for our repairs or the rumors, Elesh?"
>orders? |