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03/13/12(Tue)12:40 No.18312000 File: 1331656830.jpg-(18 KB, 398x415, savage2.jpg)
 The Fryc was once an unassuming creature, and completely non threatening to mos larger lifeforms, but not anymore. It seems that their brains have become larger, and with their new smartness have evolved tread displays in the shape of MACHO MAN RANDY SAVAGE. And can now scream OH YEA! At painful decibels. They also are considered wise, and have many phrases to live by including "The madness is runnin' wild!", "Hulkamania is like a single grain of sand in the Sahara desert that is Nacho Madness.", and "Best there is... past, present and future! Ohhhhh yeahhhh!", "The tower of power, too sweet to be sour, ohhhh yeahh!", "I'm too hot to handle and too cold to hold!"
>pic for reference |