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!!cAsGzl185mF 03/14/12(Wed)01:21 No.18319858 File: 1331702460.png-(16 KB, 611x120, Achievement MaA.png)
 >>18319634 Dayton attaches your rank insignia to you Epaulettes then pulles out your combat bars.
Not true 'bars' per se, each is made up of two round metal pieces spaced a handspan apart that attach to the uniform, connected by a cord of the same colour metal. In this case the Lieutennant attaches Four Bronze Combat Bars to the empty space on the right chest of your uniform, one below another. One for each combat deployment.
It's one less than everyone else present, as your deep space scanning mission and recovery of the Endeavour didnt count as true combat. While you were in quarentine the rest of the squadron had gone out to hunt down some of the jammers. Oh well.
The space on the left side of your uniform is soon also filled with awards. A training ribon, a wounded in action ribon after getting shot on the cruise ship, a Noble Citation for the same action, a Pilots Star in recognition of skill. The Bronze citation star looks slightly out of place since it's something given for operations in atmosphere, namely your mad chage to attack that grounded Corvette."
"Lastly you are awarded a Medal of Bravery, dont get killed looking for too many of these."
You and Lieutanant salute each other. "Congratulations Flight Leader Reynard." |