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!!0ZviLFh59My 03/13/12(Tue)22:10 No.18316885 File: 1331691032.jpg-(216 KB, 1600x1200, prussian bird cooking sauerkra(...).jpg)
 "Mind if we come along?" Pappy asks you. "Always fun to ogle somebody's new ride."
"New Old Ride," you tell him. "Model A Widow. Well, late model. So it doesn't have all the fancy toys." Well, it did have SOME, but they were tacked on after the fact. Rear-Warning Radar, for example, but with your backseater you would've preferred the radar altimeter your prototype had.
"What were you flying all this time, then?" Kathy asks you.
"A prototype. Got shot up good last time, so they've probably taken it back to tear the engines apart and see what they can learn. Just as well, if you opened the cowling flaps at the wrong time it'd do something funny to the slipstream and choke the engine out like a five-cent whore."
"Five cents?" Kathy snorts. "You rich city boys..."
You carry on like that for a bit as your AMERICA friends escort you to the hangar. The cavernous space is busy as hell - like the rest of the base - but you spot the Widow immediately on the far side. You duck and weave through the traffic. Lots of new faces among the techs and engineers - it's clear that Bain isn't just a Witches base, at least not for the foreseeable future. It's a brief reminder that half the famous generals on the planet aren't in one castle just for shits and giggles; Bain is a nigh-unassailable command post (well, now,) and threatens the flanks of Martian forces that landed north, in East Anglia. Despite all that, the massive, ancient castle is still easy enough to get lost in, if you want privacy.
Weird place.
There she is. Your baby, your beauty, your first fighter, your original ride. After five months of boring patrols, she led you into your first successful Witch Bounce... and then into History.