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!!0ZviLFh59My 03/14/12(Wed)20:05 No.18328973 File: 1331769945.jpg-(148 KB, 600x464, horror.jpg)
 "Doom," you say miserably. "Death and destruction. I'm a dead man." You sit on your bed, pulling at your hair with horror.
"Don't be such a pussy," Sakamoto says, sheathing her sword.
"Gee, thanks. You're not the one with two incredibly dangerous women directing rather complex feelings at him."
"Most men would love to be in your position, you know-"
"Really?" you ask her. "Minna scares the shit out of me sometimes. If she ever got her balance back she'd flatten me in a second, which is why I work so hard to keep her OFF-balance and flustered! And Trude, she's got this steely Serious Face attitude, like she'd crush my nuts if I step an inch over some invisible line I haven't hit yet, but still don't know where it is."
Sakamoto mumbles something under her breath that includes the name "Erica."
"Nothing. Anyway, they're just under... pressure right now, okay? Unprecedented... insane... extreme... incomprehensible pressure. And you're a big part of it for both of them, okay? They're not that bad. Stick around, give them a chance."
You glower at her. "Right. Get involved with one woman, potentially two, who can barely function on their own, much less in a relationship. What's the worst that could happen?"
Sakamoto, it seems, does not grasp the English concept of the rhetorical question. "Well, Trude can lift I-Beams when she's really trying."
You feel the blood drain from your face. "S-Sakamoto-"
"Swing 'em around, too-"
"In the future, keep that shit to yourself, would you?" |