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!!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/15/12(Thu)02:36 No.18334201 File: 1331793410.gif-(496 KB, 360x360, thesongofmypeople.gif)
 Your flesh brain screams wildly at your cogitators as the silence of your walk drives it mad. Entering your quarters, Athe remains silent. Hand still gripping an unsean object upon her breast, she alternates between matching and fearing your soft gaze. Her face is covered in long scratches, several of them clotted with blood, her clothing tattered and lightly stained with blood where deamonic claws were barely dodged or could not find purchase. Fearless, she battled and defeated warp entities without pause; yet she stands before her mortal captain, a barely augmented techpriest of the Omnissiah, and fear is clear in her eyes and posture. Cogitators surmise that you'll have a difficult time making her fear worse. "Athe, I'm asking you this as your friend, not as your Captain. Are you with me?"
Athe's eyes meet your own for a moment before she meekly looks away. Your cogitators quickly surmise the cause of this uncharacteristic behavior, shame conflicting with loyalty. "Canoness Laci giving you personal care. The silver chain around your neck when you returned from the hospitallar medicae. A blinding flash of light protects you from a deamon's attack. The logic is sound, Athe. Do I need to know what possessed a Canoness to give a scum from Tortuga a holy relic?"
"I'm," Athe's gaze falls to the floor, presumeably locking upon the strange bolt that you too find mysteriously interesting. "I'm not from Tortuga, Elesh"
>Next time on Privateer Quest! Confessions Part 2 > I'm afraid that I'm too far gone to make this confession any good at this time, so cliffhanger it is. > Next thread on Friday @ 7:30-8:00 PM EST > usual Q&A for ~ 20 minutes > inb4 DUN DUN DUUUUUN |