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03/21/12(Wed)02:48 No.18401396 File: 1332312507.jpg-(128 KB, 400x550, contra.cover.front.jpg)
 rolled 85 = 85
>>18401324 Heat Man manages to summon his Heat Shield again with significant effort this time as the rest of the WilyCorp forces change their targets to the Deltas, who snap off one ineffectively volley at Heat Man before cloaking to avoid being massacred. Heat Man barely avoids the salvo of black holes, but manages to come out unscathed as he unerringly tracks the cloaked soldiers with his upgraded optics. After a few moments the Sniper Joes begin to fire on the DGs despite them being cloaked.
The Hercules manages a single Behemoth, which immediately begins to soak up turret fire while blasting apart a few unlucky JOEs with its heavy machineguns. However, even with this, the fire continues to pour on the DGs, and they lose several men, though nothing that your recon tanks can't handle.
Then, with a cry of sheer exhilaration, two muscular men holding huge rifles burst from a nearby shot-out building and actually somersault OVER the first rank of Sniper Joes to fire wildly into their ranks. High-explosive rounds shatter armor, break apart inner structure, and cause havoc as the two soldiers begin to run, duck and jump all across the battlefield, all the while firing guns that seem to have limitless ammunition. If that weren't enough, the shots are bizarrely accurately given the constant movement and aiming from the hip.
"Sorry, couldn't wait any longer, but our boys won't move up until Heat's down!" Scorpion calls.
"Let's give 'em HELL!" Mad Dog roars.
A low rumble shakes the area, signalling the baneblades are close... |