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!DowN/N3yMY 03/22/12(Thu)07:58 No.18415379 File: 1332417490.jpg-(487 KB, 1123x1600, 009.jpg)
 Your group gets to the cove without further trouble. There, you begin to lay some traps of your own.
Just strings up some of his thread across the trees, you put up some trays for teleportation in random intervals.
Amazoness turns Stick into a shovel and digs a set of pitfalls in the sand.
"Okay guys." Keima says, "We'll stay here as long as this sector isnt deactivated." "Erica, Sakura, watch the water." "Gai, Amazoness, Hina. Guard the treeline." "Hayate, Jun stay on the sand and get ready to support anyone that needs help." "I'll try and scan the immediate area for enemies."
WAT DO? [ ]give Gai the ring [ ]add more traps (what traps?) [ ]other. >>18415349 Get the robot damashi action figures. Worth every penny. |