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!!ZwhWAwcuTHG 03/23/12(Fri)00:56 No.18425716 File: 1332478567.jpg-(63 KB, 971x523, Exploration_008.jpg)
 A voice beyond the blast door catches your attention as the bridge consoles continue to slowly light up, "Captain! We've got it clear!" Not wishing to stand idle, you make your way toward your now accessable ivory find. The room is stained a queer mixture of red and blue, the lasting evidence of a pair of dead xenos flanking the powered armor of a battle sister. A wicked claw lays embedded into the collar of the armor, the sister's head likely severed by the attack ages ago. Taking a moment to return the nearby human skull to its body, you order the xenos corpses removed from the room before taking your leave to assist Advi and her force in the engine room.
A thought occurs, and you backtrack to the ship's bridge. "All teams prepare for depressurization!" Locating the damage control console is easy enough, and venting the atmosphere of the lower decks is a simple enough task.
"Bravo reporting, hostiles needed air." "Delta, moving to assist Charlie." "Engine room is secure, but they shot my servo skull." "Alpha has the enemy cornered, requesting atmosphere venting to finish them."
>Alpha holding >Bravo holding >Charlie repairing engines >Delta holding
>orders? |