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!DowN/N3yMY 03/23/12(Fri)00:46 No.18425612 File: 1332478018.jpg-(313 KB, 629x890, Kamen_Rider_the_First_by_Shado(...).jpg)
 "Yes, Gai. Let us dance." You take out your Urumi and use it with your left hand, you again activate the wrist blade on your right arm.
'Girls, you have fun with Sakura, I'll take Gai on alone' you tell them 'Okay' 'Sure.' they answer.
Lo, stands between you and Gai, taking up the position of a referee. "Okay, Fight good. Good luck both you." He says. "Ready, start!"
Gai charges, his fist ready for a blow. [ ]dodge [ ]counter |