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!!0ZviLFh59My 03/26/12(Mon)21:01 No.18469320 File: 1332810096.jpg-(45 KB, 550x359, 1329720947863.jpg)
 Sanya's powering straight away from Barin, over the channel, as you float down almost directly over the castle. You let her build some vertical separation, then roll towards her and begin closing the range around angels three, so you'll have enough altitude to trade for energy to catch her with.
"It's just a term-" Ian begins, but Sean cuts him off by disengaging his intercom.
"Term. Term. It's fucking retarded, tell ya what," he replies. "Fuck, we've got the Flying Tigers, the Jolly Rogers, a motherfucker that was IN the Flying Tigers and now COMMANDS the Jolly Rogers and bomber crews, they name their shit 'Dragons Tail' and paint hot bitches on the nose and what's the nickname you insufferable faggots pick?"
You push the Widow's nose down sharply and dive steeply, eying your radar altimeter as you do. Over the Channel, the ordinary and radar altimeters should agree - and they do, perfectly. Excellent. You skim the waves around three-hundred miles an hour, and ahead, her silhouette barely visible against the slightly lighter sky, is Sanya, still building up speed after take-off. As you close in, you notice she's looking up warily, the light of her magical antennae scanning left-right-left - probably for you.
"They remember," you whisper, and thumb your cannon trigger. |