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03/26/12(Mon)22:48 No.18470893 File: 1332816517.jpg-(43 KB, 640x480, BesttransportpilotofalltimeOFA(...).jpg)
 rolled 90, 28 = 118
>>18470669 After Spike finishes, you send this off. There is no response over the communications channels, but the Great Fox has disengaged its FTL drives and is moving towards your ships.
"Found him!" one of the Aurors shouts, pointing to a shallow bowl of water that shows a ninja jumping around a collapsing city, barely avoiding the chunks of concrete plummeting overhead as he carries a bulging bag on his back.
The Overlord begins to lift off to the outraged cries of the crowd as its engines begin to burn. The crew has to fire onboard weapons to fight off an attempt by several armed gangers to hold the hatches. Several civilians are killed attempting to hang off the boarding ramps or weapons turrets as the machine ascends, only to drop off and fall too far to survive.
X-COM NOVA begins giving their coordinates as well as craft IDs, sending their modest array of ships to join you. The Al'Keshes begin to beam them up as fast as they can manage.
A giant explosion is visible in space as Zebes bursts outward before phasing into nothingness.
On the planet, the majority of the surface is now covered in shifting forest, mountains, or seas. Huge tracts of The City fall to nothing. Huge space-time distortion waves ripple across the surface, reshaping everything in their path. Streams of civilian air attempt to flee event waves only to get caught in them and vanish, while several streams of spacecraft crawl upwards towards what they hope is salvation.
The Relentless isn't near full, but its shields are already taking damage from collapsing buildings, and they are perilously close to an event wave. The captain is requesting permission to rejoin the fleet.
The Galaxy Defense Force squadron has reached your ships, a cobbled together fleet of fighters led by a handful of frigates opening fire on the Valiance. |