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03/30/12(Fri)04:06 No.18510056 File: 1333094780.jpg-(610 KB, 768x1024, f09b76ff56c1ec42e43117038e0245(...).jpg)
 Suddenly, the two girls burst into the bedroom, slamming him to the floor. He put his hands and arms in front of his vitals, as he had drilled himself to do so many times before, but no pain came. Instead, the warmth and comfort of hugs covered him.
“Good morning, Daddy!” They both exclaimed that at once, and began to snuggle up against him. He sighed a breath of relief, the tension released from him. He warmly returned the hug, embracing both his daughters. One was a girl of 7, named Michi, with small red pigtails encapsulating her tiny head. The other was older, at 17, named Naya, who had long black hair that almost reached her thighs. They both buried their heads into his chest. However, the glare of his wife snapped him out of his family moment. Of course she wouldn't tolerate his daughters being too friendly with him, so he needed to end this early.
“Girls, we need to get ready for school. If we hurry, we can get some eggs cooked before we head out, so-” He gently pushed the girls off of him, and started out the door when he was interuptted.
“Don't worry Daddy, I already made breakfast. Pancakes, your favorite.” Naya smiled at him.
“Oh, that's excellent. Good job, now we can eat slowly. Thanks a lot.” He patted Naya on the head, when Michi suddenly shoved herself under his hand.
“I helped put the dishes out, you know. I did a good job too, praise me too!” She looked up at him innocently, and he couldn't help but pat her on the head too. This got him a empty glare from Naya, but he could deal with that when the time comes.
“Come on, let's go eat breakfast. You come too, Anesaki.” He beckoned to his wife, and snatched the kitchen knife out of Michi's hand. She moaned a little in despair at being discovered, but it was better than the alternative. |