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!Q7t.srvWZ6 03/30/12(Fri)20:10 No.18517770 File: 1333152633.jpg-(63 KB, 800x533, NinjaPizza2copy.jpg)
You all make your way to Jeanne's dorm building, discussing which Pizza Place you should order from, eventually deciding on Ninja Pizza. Not only do they make some of the best pizza, they also deliver it via Ninja. You notice as you enter that Jeanne's building is one of, if not the, nicest dorm building on campus. They're also pretty expensive.
Jeanne's room, while nicer than your own, is actually pretty simple. It's laid out like yours, only the kitchen and small living areas are larger, since there's only one bedroom, which you presume is also larger. Jeanne also has a small bookshelf littered with Occult tomes in various languages, and lots of french literature. A couple of french movie posters adorn her walls. You notice that like Blackstone's office, she also has a number of candle holders, with and without candles, scattered around the room. Now arrived, everyone pools their petty cash into a pile on her coffee table, and you decide what to order. Sunshine insists on one veggie's only pizza, since she doesn't eat meat (You're not sure if that's an Empath thing or a "raised by hippies" thing), Anya wants lots of meat, you're not sure to be contrary or because that's how she is. You settle on four large pizzas, one veggie, one everything, one meat and one regular pepperoni, because don't fault the classics. You also get a side of wings, a side of breadsticks, and something special from Ninja Pizza, Cinnamon Throwing Stars. Throw in a few 2 liters, and the cash is spent.
Ninjas pizza says delivery in 30 minutes or less, or they'll commit hari-kiri. |