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!!UjNzln6KLxU 03/31/12(Sat)00:11 No.18521700 File: 1333167082.png-(471 KB, 600x600, 1332042915296.png)
 “Oh, welcome back to us, Hisao.” You say, placing your hand on his. “Did you sleep well?” He yawns loudly, and then chuckles. “I guess so, good morning, all.” “WAHAHA! Hicchan, it’s dinnertime!” Misha remarks, tossing a takeout box on his lap. He shrugs. “Food is food.” Misha passes one box to you also. “Here you two go!” Together, you all take your meal in a harmonious silence. After a little, Misha speaks up in an odd soft tone of voice. “Oh, and by the way Hicchan… you won’t have to worry about making up your work, class is canceled.” “Huh?” He remarks. “Well, that’s good, I guess. Why?” “Oh… teacher had an accident…” The room falls back into a state of stillness for a moment, then- “Mutou? What happened?” “Some kind of heart trouble.” “Is he… alright?” “I’m afraid not, Hicchan.” Hisao falls still. You don’t even need eyesight to tell you how hard that hit him.
[] Comfort Hisao [] Ask Misha what she knows about it |