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03/31/12(Sat)00:41 No.18522185 File: 1333168870.png-(108 KB, 998x898, df_ss_1.png)
 My worst experience was when I got food poisoning and had Dwarf Fortress hallucinations.
I had just discovered Dwarf Fortress. Now, this was back in the 40d days, and I was quite a noob. Knew my basics (but not a lot more), and had been mucking about with chasm embarks the past few days. For some reason, probably because I was so new, I really empathized with the dwarves. And every time a few batmen swarmed out of the chasm and ended up chasing a cat around the map, I would feel horribly guilty if it died.
One night I finished supper and almost immediately vomited up hamburger, everywhere. It was some good fucking hamburger, too... I was pissed. Until about two hours later, when the hallucinations started. I was out for two days. I could see and was aware of the world around me, and was able to shake it enough to gnaw some saltines or down some jello now and then, but as soon as I settled back down, they started again.
I was trapped, inside Dwarf Fortress. On that chasm embark map. The ASCII (tilesets are for pussies) was literally overlaid on top of my vision, and I kept reliving the moments my precious kitties died. Now normal DF players would scoff at this, but I have a pet cat. He has an innate ability to figure out if you're sick, and will snuggle up to you and stay with you, only leaving to get food. And every single time, I was fucking terrified that one of those humanoid bats, a dark grey lowercase 'b', was going to kill him, and I would be powerless to stop it. The seasons never progressed, and I couldn't get the dwarves on my head to actually set up a fortress, or dig and get everyone to safety. I had no control over the game, even though I could give commands like I had a keyboard.
48 hours.
Never even told my parents about it.
And yes, I still play Dwarf Fortress to this day. |