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03/31/12(Sat)13:41 No.18528137 File: 1333215686.jpg-(218 KB, 1024x768, sq384.jpg)
 >How this works. Suggest an action and then depending how feasible it is, the spider will act.
You are just an ordinary spider in moder day earth. You have no special powers, other than your intellect.
Making silk costs proteins, which you can restore by eating. Your mate has his own protein reserves. You both have currently 100% if your reserves.
You can upgrade your nest with silk.Your nest currently has the following improvements: >Small rudimentary web nest: >Storage chamber -30 units of food, 2 chitin plates, 3 metal shards, 1 chitin armor. >8 slingshots. >Trap webs near the base of the tree. >Aphid pen. -5 aphids. >Warning web at the entrance to the tree hole and warning lines. >Drop down net attached to the ceiling at the entrance.
Your current skills: >Efficient web architecture. -The protein cost of your silk structures is reduced by 5 units. Structures costing 5 units will still cost 1 unit.
You also need to feed your family. Your siblings, brood and Isaac combined require 15 units of food per day. They are fed for this day however. You and Dorpou require 4 units of food combined.
You are currently just returning from your test-fly with Kahless. Dorpou is at the entrance of your nest, Andor is guarding the aphids, Bubbles is chilling at the water pond and Ranou is building something. What do will you do next? |