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!Q7t.srvWZ6 03/31/12(Sat)22:32 No.18531872 File: 1333247559.jpg-(199 KB, 500x283, Magorium_trailerimage.jpg)
You finish your meal, and get up, everyone again chipping in for the bill. You realize you may need to stop by the bank some time, to recoup your petty cash. "Now, time to go to the coolest store in the city." Johnny offers you a fist bump. You return it, then show him the credit chip and double fist bump.
A short walk later, you're in front of the 'Royal Vault' store again. The windows are still blacked out, the only sign of being occupied the open sign on the door, and the hand-lettered sign saying 'Come and See' in one of the windows. This is also joined by an old fashioned wooden sign standing on the side-walk, also hand-lettered, which says 'End of the World Sale, 50% Off All Item!' with a little characature of Regis on the bottom. The paint looks like it might still be drying. Jeanne studies the store for a second when you first arrive. "Y'know, I think I've heard of this store before, like from Professor Blackstone." "Y'know, so have I..." Sunshine observes. "But I've never seen the store." Continues Jeanne. She then looks up and down the street. "In fact, I've been up and down this street recently shopping, and I do not remember the store." Johnny walks up to the door, and half turns to speak to the others. "Are you guys going in, or going to stand there and gawk all day?" He opens up the door, and gestures inside with his cane. "Ladies first." The ladies take him up on his kind offer, and then the rest of you go in. As you close the door, and your eyes adjust, you see Regis by the counter, as he greets you in his basso voice. "Hoho, welcome to the Royal Vault. I am Regis Mortis, your host for this fine morning." He smiles very white teeth against the dark color of his skin, and everyone but you and Johnny stares around the shop in wonder. |