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!!UjNzln6KLxU 03/31/12(Sat)23:09 No.18532169 File: 1333249767.png-(127 KB, 400x300, 1328664610676.png)
 “So Hisao?” You ask, not letting go of his chest. You like it there. “Do you have any plans for the festival tomorrow?” “Oh…” He replies. “Well, Shizune asked if I’d accompany her…” Rage unlike anything you thought possible floods your mind. “But apart from that, no.” You use all your regal self-control to keep your voice calm and collected. “Ah, well, you can still spend some time with me, right?” You release him and tilt your head with a smile. “After all, I need to show you my Yukata, don’t I?” Hisao remains silent for a moment, then replies. “As if I would ‘ever’ miss that.” The three of you share a laugh as you pray Akira comes up with something good for your wardrobe… She’s actually the one to speak first after the tense moment ends. “Oh, by the way Hisao. If you need a pick-me-up, here.” She passes him the flask of coffee liqueur and he takes a sip before making a surprised exclamatory noise. “Mmm.. Wow…” He takes another sip. “Where’d you get this?” Your sister gives a nervous giggle. “Ehehe… Don’t ask unnecessary questions.” In a surprising move, she walks over and takes Hisao’s arm herself. “I’ll keep an eye on Hisao for today, sis.” She tells you. “Hanako said she had something to discuss with you.” What? When did they speak? Well, it’s not as if you can discuss ‘those’ kinds of activities with Hisao present anyways. She laughs and tugs his ahoge a little. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep him safe.” It’s true that Akira, above all others, is someone you trust, and if anyone should be able to keep him safe from StuCo, it’d be your sister. Still, the prospect of handing Hisao over…
[] Trust Akira. [] Keep Hisao with you for the day. |