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04/01/12(Sun)00:00 No.18532427 File: 1333252850.jpg-(124 KB, 800x800, Abdul Obama english.jpg)
 >>18532118 Finally some Planetary Governor Quest, I've been looking forward to this.
Between the various herbs and flowers we bought from the Rouge Trader, we should have an abudant supply of natural medicines, we should start a pharmecutical company specializing in medicines to sell, with the large amount of casualties the IG sustaines, medicines should be in perpetual demand.
See into the feasbiltiy of constructing an art school, with a large amount of artisans not only can we make a profit of the art pieces, but we could also use them to help build are budding tourism industry.
For education, see about a policy for allowing free higher education, with the condition that any takers have to work for a number of years equal to their education.
You said our biggest industry is mining, correct? Exactly what are we mining? Low value ores? High Quality gems? Anything Rare? Look into establishing refieries, valuable metals and gems can be used to create jewlery and artwork, less common metals can be used for industrial production.
We've got a lot of unused land, let's use some of it for cattle rancing, we can then sell authentic beef, just like Holy Terra used to make!
Fishing; Sure we can sell the fish via commerical fishing, but Tourism fishing can make tonnes of revenue for a fraction of the catch.
Forestry can produce lumber used for high grade luxury items, we can sell woodworks to industrial worlds and places where trees don't grow anymore for huge profit. |