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!DowN/N3yMY 04/01/12(Sun)13:21 No.18537604 File: 1333300915.png-(26 KB, 210x90, Forest_flish.png)
 You keep jogging on. Ignoring the two stragglers much like Gai and Touma have done. "I DONT KNOW BUT IT'S BEEN SAID! DONT GET WIPED, YOU'RE BEST OFF DEAD. Sound off 1, 2 Sound off 3, 4"
After what seemed to be forever, you end up at the river he was talking about. "OKAY KIDDIES. IF A SHORT HIKE LIKE THAT LEAVES YOU HALF DEAD, THEN I WILL ALLOW YOU QUICK WATER BREAK. NOW FALL OUT AND GET HYDRATED."
You take yourself to the river. The cold clear water a blessing to your parched throat. A few minutes later Kenji and Ken come crawling to the riverbank. "YOU PAIR OF MAGGOTS CRAWL LIKE THE BEST OF THEM. AS PUNISHMENT FOR BEING LATE AND HOLDING THE GROUP BACK I EXPECT YOU TWO TO TAKE CARE OF DINNER. YOU WILL GO FLISHING FOR US. FAIL TO CATCH EVEN ONE AND I WILL SEE TO IT THAT YOU GET NOTHING TO EAT UNTIL THE NED OF CAMP." "But we don't have rods to fish with, or the hooks." Ken begins to say. "OH YOU STUPID DICKS. I DIDNT SAY GO FISHING. I SAID GO FLISHING!" Sousouke points out a flock of what you assumed were birds in the trees. But upon closer examination, they looked like fish with beaks wings and feet. "NOW IF YOU TWO PRIMADONAS ARE DONE DRINKING LIKE DAINTY LITTLE PRINCESSES, I WANT YOU TO GO CATCH US SOME FLISH!" The two scamper off into the trees.