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!!UjNzln6KLxU 04/02/12(Mon)00:45 No.18544660 File: 1333341923.png-(339 KB, 640x519, Caster.png)
The unholy minions of the student council shamble into the light of the dying day, which glistens off their scaly hides. All across the festival, a cry goes up as the massive force enters the grounds. The horde amasses as the regal cripple-army begins to form ranks. Miki surges to the head of the Yamaku ranks, tearing off the bind on her cursed arm of Shaytan and brandishing a katana in the other. “Forth, and fear no darkness!” She cries. “Arise! Arise, Riders of Yamaku! Spears shall be shaken, shields shall be splintered! A sword day... a red day... ere the sun rises!” A hellish gleam enters her eyes. “DEEEEEAAAAATTTHHHH!!!” The student body at her back erupts, crying out alongside her. “DEEEEAATH!” A surge goes out as the Yamaku student body pledges themselves to battle in the name of the sovereign. Following your charisma, they unleash their inner darkness. Facing the demonic onslaught, the student of Yamaku are producing swords, shotguns, flails, spears, bows, katars, axes, bazookas, flamethrowers, and other types of weaponry. Sensing their prey, the army of monster begins to emit a series of shrill, piercing cries as they break into a sprint, barreling at the student body. Rallying to Miki’s standard, they unite their warped minds, crying “DEATH” as one. With that, she begins running and the rest of the crowd follows her, the sunset rays glistening off of the vast array of weaponry. The two sides charge at each other, both radiating an unrestrained bloodlust. |