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!DowN/N3yMY 04/02/12(Mon)08:43 No.18548259 File: 1333370629.jpg-(43 KB, 260x350, 211412m.jpg)
 Again, Sagara takes up that marching song he did earlier. "I DONT KNOW BUT IVE BEEN TOLD! PONY JUICE IS BEST SERVED COLD! Sound off 1, 2 Sound off 3, 4" Step after step, you trudged deeper into the woods and higher up the slopes of the mountain.
"I DONT KNOW BUT IT'S BEEN SAID! DONT GET WIPED, YOU'RE BEST OFF DEAD. Sound off 1, 2 Sound off 3, 4" After about 45 minutes, Keima begins lagging behind, and since he's attached to you literally and possibly figuratively you are forced to slow down as well. "Hey you okay man?" "Y-yeah. Keep going. I-I can take this." Keima says, clearly out of breath. "You're panting mighty hard though." you say "Just keep going. I'm g-good. I can handle this."
WAT DO? [ ]stop for a quick breather. [ ]keep going, same pace [ ]keep going, slower |