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04/05/12(Thu)04:21 No.18582103 File: 1333614117.png-(26 KB, 655x604, Cruelb.png)
 >Make it more metal! >b-but- >MORE METAL! TURN IT UP TO 11!
The Crub become the Cruelb.
Fleshy, highly toxic tentacles burst forth from the hard, chitinous shell of the beast. The eyestalk bursts into flames, and can direct them by focusing its vision. It grows two great horns to better aim this new power.
It hunts by stunning with its firey Eye of Pain, inflicting not only burns, but a lash of psionic energy that communicates only suffering. The Cruelb then drags the stunned and shivering thing off with its tentacles, the neurotoxin of which lights up every pain detecting nerve it possibly can. Most creatures usually die just from the sheer sensory overload. It then brings it back to the tribe to be devoured wholesale. If threatened, it may also use its legs to pierce an attacker.
As a society, the Cruelb prefer to remain as a web of nearby individuals. They have neighbors, but those neighbors only interact when they need to, and their social interactions are often brief and to the point. The exception to this solitude is when dealing with other intelligent species. Every member Cruelb tribe will bring as many numbers to bare as possible when interacting with even one intelligent outsider passes through. If less than three Cruelb are available, they will attempt to skitter away and hide rather than fight or communicate. When communicating, the Cruelb will attempt to surround the creature and stare at it. Since the vast majority of other species do not understand the native language of complex blinking the Cruelb choose to use with each other, they will for the sake of outsiders, communicate psionically. This is incredibly disconcerting when an entire tribe is doing so. |