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More Military Stuff
04/03/12(Tue)21:36 No.18566064 File: 1333503406.jpg-(107 KB, 656x312, Proposed Deployments.jpg)
 Ok, got a possible deployment and order of battle, providing we actually have the manpower.
1st Infantry Regiment, 3000 men 2nd Infantry Regiment, 3000 men 1st Guards Battalion, 1,200 men 1st Mechanised Battalion, 1,200 men
Now, lets call our 2,300 trained/experienced soldiers Class A. These Class A soldiers will go to fill up the Mechanised Battalion, as we want our best men there. That battalion is probably stronger then anything the rebels can possibly throw at us, and should be equipped to turn the tide anywhere. As I said before, filling up the 1st Mechanised Battalion should take around 1,200 of our Class A soldiers, leaving us with 1,100.
The remaining Class A soldiers should be spread out amongst our two infantry regiments and guard battalion, to give them some steel.
Our less trained/experienced soldiers currently in the army can be put into Class B. These men can fill out the regiments and guards battalion.
Any new recruits that are physically fit enough for the regular army can be put into Class C1. They'll join up with the regular army as standard, and be trained properly.
Any new recruits that aren't physically fit enough for the regular army can be put into Class C2. They'll join the local militias/paramilitary forces we can put into place.
All this is assuming that we don't actually have 19,000 front line soldiers. If we have more, we can just add in more infantry regiments.
Oh, and coming up with cool sounding names for our regiments should be done. |