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!rtcFUbR5dY 04/05/12(Thu)02:38 No.18581409 File: 1333607883.jpg-(57 KB, 800x600, revelations.jpg)
"Jack, you poor thing." Honey with a twinge of regret. Her perfect hair jostles and straightens back into place as she shakes her head. "Don't you get it, Jack? This was never about you."
"Wendy is just using you."
A clinging in my stomach when she says this tells me something I didn't want to know - that this news makes me upset. Gotta stay professional. "Using me for what?"
"For a number of things," Laudine lobs back. "Safety, for one. That man BB is quite the feat of human engineering, isn't he? And of course you're not bad with a gun." She shifts her posture again, one hip curving outward.
"You're not bad with code, either. You may not know, but Wendy had a run-in with those two gentlemen before you spoke with her. You didn't know that?" she asks, voice rising with interest at the end. "She even had that disk in her hands."
"But of course it was useless to her alone. After all, she deals with hardware, not software. She's the other side of your coin, isn't she, Jack? Or at least she was."
What now?!? |