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!!0ZviLFh59My 04/06/12(Fri)21:47 No.18601967 File: 1333763258.gif-(145 KB, 500x375, 1318938553563.gif)
 "Did EVERY-FUCKING-BODY know but me!?" you snarl, flinging the flask at Luke, who ducks it smoothly. "Is there a secret handshake? Do I mail the cereal company for my fucking DECODER RING? FUCK!"
Luke sniggers, clearly amused.
"As for the WITCHES," you grump, "you couldn't get it out of 'em with a fucking deuce-and-a-half and a steel tow-chain."
"Hence the humping," Luke points out.
You roll your eyes. "Actually I... walked in on them in my underwear, then threatened them at gunpoint."
Luke snorts. "Yeah, really fucking cute."
You look at him levelly.
Luke sucks in air through his cigar. "Seriously?"
"You are one crazy fuck, you know that?"
"Says Frank Luke, Balloon Buster?"
"Yeah, when I say it, sit up and pay attention," he mutters. "So how DID you cotton to it? Most guys repress it with the force of four hurricanes, 'fraid they'll get deskjobbed by the brass covering their political asses."
"They didn't do that in your day, so what 'bout you?"
"Me?" Luke rolls his cigar around, and looks back at the sky. "By the time I figured it, nobody was left alive in my unit that'd understand it."
Sobered by that little bon mott, you sigh and join him in his contemplation. "Well... guess you could say a little gnome told me," you say - completely truthful, but revealing nothing.
Somebody taps you on the shoulder. You turn to look, and Conrad punches you in the fucking face. |