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04/09/12(Mon)16:28 No.18641295 File: 1334003334.jpg-(16 KB, 300x274, sanlost.jpg)
 Sorry to burst the bubble guys, but this series is as shallow as you might think.
Sadly the whole eldritch aspect is never really explored, and the whole Cthulhu mythos just got degraded to "a bunch of aliens with Cthulhu reference". Yes, nya-chan is from some random space defense department, being send here to protect the earth from bad aliens, with a side-objective of getting into MC's pants, just because.
Its quite sad really, the premise could be some mind fucking awesome SAN lost plot combine with conventional moe slice of life.
And here I thought I could see a Saya no Uto Lite. (The original sends me into a crushing depression, I would never touch it again.)
That being said, if you want something that you can just shut down your mind and watch, this will suit you fine, assuming you can tolerant the cringe-worth plot.
captcha >ahotec 216
Yes captcha, there's some impressive ahoge tech going on. |