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!kyfms5tN66 04/09/12(Mon)22:46 No.18646337 File: 1334025978.png-(69 KB, 161x155, Manifesto5.png)
>I think it’s, like, customary or something that crazy fuckers who set off bombs give a manifesto. I have a little experience in that, but not enough to prepare me for this one. So, I guess, here goes. I’m not going to make it too preachy, bear with me.
>Do you idiots have any idea what really goes on in the Shadows?
>I mean, do you?
>I don’t just mean Shadowrunners, your multi-million-nuyen action movie franchise headers. I know that you idiots know the parlance. That crime TV show taught you “Mr. Johnson.” You know what a street samurai is, and how to differentiate a face from an infiltrator.
>But, I mean, aside from the sanitized guns-and-tits bullshit you see in the trids, do any of you really get what happens underneath your noses?
>Criminals run the world. Terrorists, mafia, gangs, shadowrunners. Some of them sit behind desks in offices and do more damage than all the gangs put together. It’s all a gigantic circlejerk of increasingly ludicrous theft and violence.
>And that’s the status fucking QUO. I mean, what the fuck? I have made more of a difference being a professional dirtbag than I would in ten lifetimes of wage-slavery. What’s up with that?
>I’m monologuing. It’s probably the blood loss. I’m not a philosopher, or, or, or, a psychologist. I’m a scared kid who hacked a Thor Shot. Because I had to.
>I’m going to be disappearing from the Shadows for a while. Naivety is looking pretty damn good right now.
>Seriously, think. Think about the world you live in. And what you choose not to see, and what you choose not to do.
>It could save your life.