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!!UjNzln6KLxU 04/14/12(Sat)22:39 No.18716408 File: 1334457588.jpg-(80 KB, 500x500, 1334350821774.jpg)
 “The problem must be in your pants!” You exclaim, grinning slightly in contentment at your flawless logic. He actually reels back somewhat at this, yeah, that has to be it. “Aha! I called it, didn’t I? Something’s up with your dick, isn’t there?” You follow up, casting your gaze over his crotch. “Wha- Wai- No! I have a heart condition! Bad arrhythmia.” You frown a bit. That’s a little less interesting than what you were hoping for. “Hm. I was hoping for someone new to add to my collection.” You muse before returning to your curry. He seemingly takes your silence in stride and heads to the back to start collecting the student council’s supplies. Paints, nails, a wood saw, twine, a bag of severed heads, poster board… Just the usual stuff. Still a bit intrigued, you watch him out of the corner of your eye as he finishes. “Ok, I think I’ve got everything… I’ll be going now, Tezuka.” You shrug. “Call me Rin. We’re close enough now to warrant as much.” If you were expecting a smile, you’re disappointed, but he replies at least. “Ok then, I’m Hisao.” You nod. “Then you are.” He exits the room. As the door closes, you hear him mutter. “What an intruiging person.” Intruiging? You? You smirk to yourself and sing out. “I~heard~that!” Another voice greets you besides his. “WAHAHA! What did she hear, Hicchan?!” Oh, them.
[] (Stay in here and go back to sleep) [] (Head out and intercept Misha) |