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!DowN/N3yMY 04/15/12(Sun)04:37 No.18720634 File: 1334479073.gif-(607 KB, 190x215, 4596aa71ca20feee9cdd30dc488c95(...).gif)
 "Perrine, naturally. My handler, Mike, who is also the instructor for basics class informs me that she's distanced from the rest of her classmates, and came to me looking for advice since I appear to be one of the few people she gets along well with. However, I had to admit that she isn't always forthcoming about herself, even to me." You tell her. "I was hoping that since you have known her for longer, you might be able to help me understand her a bit better, so that I can help her feel more at ease here."
She takes a seat beside you. "Perrinne huh? Well, that girl has always been distant. But she's not shy. No, far from that. She's proud. Too proud. But she's also afraid." "Afraid?" You ask "She lost everything during the war. France took a hard hit from the alium attacks. She lost alot of her family friends and almost everything she cared about. She feels that it's up to her to be the best for all that were lost. But at the same time, she is also afraid of it happening again." She wipes her sweat. "She's opened up to you? That's good I guess. But she can be unpredictable, too unpredictable. The only Advice I could give you on how to deal with her would be to let her proceed at her own pace, if she perceives that you were meddling with her one way or another, she may, no, she WILL turn on you for it." |