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!Q7t.srvWZ6 04/15/12(Sun)20:01 No.18729204 File: 1334534463.jpg-(26 KB, 400x400, advicedan4.jpg)
 >>18729032 >>18728944
"Yeah, okay, I'm in." You say. "Good." Blackstone responds. "I was afraid I was going to have to find some poor intern or grad student to do this for me." He passes you the bundle. "Okay, two rules. One, each rod has to be in line of sight of at least one other rod. Well, technically two rods, but you worry about one, you'll get the second when you place the next rod. Next, try and get the widest diameter possible around campus you can, following that first rule. The cordon will work only inward. The instant you're past the invisible line, summoning comes back. On the plus side, anyone entering the area with summoned creatures will be cut off with them, so that's a plus." You take the bundle, and sling it over one shoulder, making sure to be careful with the crystals. "Don't suppose this would stop the summoning of the Red Star anyway?" "No, sadly. That's a different, more specialized magic." He pauses and gestures upward, toward the afternoon sky. "Also, from what I understand, the actual magic happens up there in the sky somewhere. This think mostly hugs ground level. Makes a kind of dome, I think, actually. But its only as high as the posts themselves at the edge." You nod at him. "Alright." "So, place those twelve then meet me back here, and I'll have the rest, and you can go set them." Blackstone departs.
>Anything you want to do to make this go quicker, or are you just going to take your time and do this conventionally? |