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!!UjNzln6KLxU 04/15/12(Sun)23:21 No.18732225 File: 1334546492.png-(561 KB, 600x800, 1329096227164.png)
 You shrug and lazily drift through back towards the school grounds through the forest. Might as well see what Emi's up to. The shadows and light seem to blend together, passing by the stream, you look down and find it running red with blood. Battling the urge to paint this thing, you tear your attention away and head back towards the school grounds. Returning to the ‘normal’ world, you get a few weird looks, but not too many more than usual. You were able to get a couple buttons on your shirt done however long ago this morning was, but not your tie, which is just sort of hanging undone off your collar. Also, your haven’t bothered to try and shake to grass out of your hair, so you have no idea how bad that is since you can’t see through the back of your head. Although that would be useful; you make a mental note to ask the book about it later. It might just be that you look drunk, which everyone is already well-used to seeing thanks to Mutou. Either way, nobody stops you. You ascend the stairwell to Emi’s class and lean against the doorframe, staring at the painting of unholy blackness down the hallway. After a little, the lunch bell rings and, predictably, your legless friend is the first one to come hurdling out. “Hey Emi.” You stop her with a monotone voice. She turns with a broad smile. “Hey Rin! You s-“ She freezes up seeing your state. Between the bags under your eyes, sallow skin, grassy hair, and sloppy attire, you realize you’ve probably looked better. “Rin?” She asks. “What… happened to you?”
>Sanity: 3 [] I got hungry. Let’s go eat. [] I channeled a forsaken power that’s driving me insane, like Diablo, but with better graphics. [] How come I got two bad endings and you only got one? Did someone just hate me? |