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!DowN/N3yMY 04/18/12(Wed)08:50 No.18766019 File: 1334753429.jpg-(17 KB, 480x480, 1C762212.jpg)
 "Please Naru, If anyone would prove to be unworthy, it would be I. As much as I'd like to say that I do not require a bodyguard, my friends and I do require a guide. Would you be that for us? We are but strangers in this city and a local would prove invaluable help." "Of course Shogun-sama. Anything for you." She tells you. "Oh and about that Shogun-sama thing, Can we keep it on the down-low when were outside? You mentioned attacks earlier and I don't want to draw undue attention to us while in a crowd." you add. "Of course Shogun-sama." she says again.
"Raymond-san. I leave the general operations up to you. You seem to have been doing a good job, and I would not want to mess up anything you have achieved so far." "Thank you for your kind-words." he tells you. "And another thing. The main reason of us coming to this city was to search for these three men. They owe us a substantial amount of money that we would like to get back. One of them seems to have been a regular in this district, the other two weren't though they might have also been here." You pull out your copies of the photos and hand it to him. "I would appreciate any help in finding them."
He looks the photos over, thinking of something. "This one with the mohawk. He has eaten at my store a couple of times in the past." he says. "Indeed father." Naru adds "He also tried hitting on me. Odd for one that claims to have a waifu." "So you know him?" You ask. "We were familiar with him yes." Raymond tells you. "Do you know where he might be now?"
**ROLLEM** |