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!!UjNzln6KLxU 04/22/12(Sun)00:09 No.18810627 File: 1335067787.png-(2.56 MB, 1920x1572, 1331704154902.png)
 A vision that’s not your pulses through your mind, seething with malevolent energy… The light of the city filter in through the tinted windows of a fast-moving car, blurring into streams beyond the glass. Two people, a father and daughter exchange some words… Words you can’t make out, but likely small talk. BANG. A power surges through the metal cabin: sound, light, and unbelievable force all at once. The power crushes the brittle flesh of the two being inside as the vehicle implodes in on itself. An opposing car striking the vehicle dead-on produces a shattering force akin to a canon-blast and the metal on the two vehicles twists itself about like jello. Silvery shards fly everywhere as the two conjoined cars tumble to a halt. The warped metallic coffins strike the pavement and lay dead-still for a moment. Then, in the opposing car, the driver side is roughly kicked open and a skinny blonde teenager emerges, loosely clutching a bottle of whiskey. “Goddammit. I just got that car.” !!! A force on your shoulder jerks you out of your eldritch-induced dream. “Ugh.” You emote. “M’up.” “Barely.” Emi squeaks, pulling you up. “Come on!” You groan and inhale deeply as you open your eyes. Taking in a full whiff of Emi-sweat at point-blank range you immediately regret doing that and recoil a bit. Your legless friend is still in her slightly sweat-stained athletic uniform, it’s a little disconcerting; normally she showers first. Glancing over at the clock, you find first period’s already started. “You’re late.” You say blandly, looking back at her. In a rare display, Emi looks genuinely troubled for a minute. “Um… something happened at the track…” She trails off, looking a bit downtrodden.
>Sanity: 2 [] What happened? []Are you ok? |