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!DowN/N3yMY 04/22/12(Sun)03:33 No.18812952 File: 1335080036.jpg-(149 KB, 530x750, 97a8568b42b44aabea549dddfe7a4b(...).jpg)
 >the other ninjas arent here yet, you only have Bob and one other guy. >6 checked out the ravers >4 returned the carts to the racers
"Hey you, uhhhhm.." YOu try and remember his name "BIll, sir." he tells you. "Yes, Bill, go with Gai and Erica to check out where our target fell, We'll take care of Naru." "Yes sir." He says with an awkward salute.
Gai, and the other two run around behind the building. You and Hina push your way through the crowd.
You see Naru laying there, Bob tending to her as best as he could. There's a large gash on her shoulder that you surmise is the result of the blood stained, half crushed cinder block near her feet.
"Naru, Are you alright?" You ask as you get to her side. She winces, trying to hide the pain. "Yes My Lord, But I must apologize, I messed these up." She shows you the now dirty bunny ears that are on the ground.
"That's not important anymore." You tell her as you take over for Bob, checking her injuries. "We need to get you some medical attention."
An ambulance pulls up nearby, the sirens dispersing the crowd.
"N-not the hospital My Lord." She objects as she struggles to get up. "Not there."
WAT DO OH MASTER BUTLERS? [ ]force her to go to the hospital. [ ]ask why [ ]run away from the medics |