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!!UjNzln6KLxU 04/22/12(Sun)23:09 No.18822580 File: 1335150540.jpg-(137 KB, 1150x850, gottagodosomething.jpg)
 You shrug and walk over to her. “Hello.” Despite your tone being pretty level, she practically jumps. “Oh. Um. Hi. H-hello…” She replies rapidly. Although admittedly working from a small sample of just her and that librarian, you wonder if there’s something about libraries that makes people neurotic. She doesn’t say anything further and instead holds her book up between your lines of sigh. Maybe she wants you to look at it? “Cha reading?” You ask, glancing it over. “O-Oh. It’s c-c-called ‘The Legend of the Porcelain Knight’.” She says, slightly lowering it before glancing back and forth from her book to you. “Um… t-there’s this talentless knight who crafts this ethereal armor made of porcelain but then loses it. Or, at first it seems like he loses it but actually- AH!” She cuts herself off in a small squeak. “O-oh, I’m s-sorry. I d-d-don’t wanna spoil it.” You shrug. “Good. I hate spoilers.” And with that, you flop down into the beanbag right next to her. Huh. These things are actually pretty comfy. Maybe you could make this place a new napping spot? As you mull this possibility over, you become aware of her glancing back and forth from her book to you, tightening her knuckles until they go white. As you open your mouth to say something, she jumps up. “I-I I’vegottagodosomething!” And with that, she bolts for the door. You lunge to your feet in shock, amazed to have found someone else who speaks rapidese. “ HeywaitcomebackwhatisitthatyouneedtododoesitinvolvepaintingbecauseIcouldhelpwiththat” No avail, she’s out of the door in a heartbeat. You sigh and slouch back into your beanbag, staring up at the ceiling.
>Sanity: 4 [] Go get the librarian to help you. [] Just relax here and ponder the book on your own. |