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!DowN/N3yMY 04/26/12(Thu)00:29 No.18865396 File: 1335414548.jpg-(14 KB, 400x300, 28022009142.jpg)
 >>18865213 Y0u were 8 years old at that time. And like you have always done, you were playing alone in the park.
In one of the bushes near the swings, you found a ragged, dirty teddy. One of it's button eyes was missing and the arm was coming undone at the seams. YOu took pity on the little unwanted toy and brought him home with you.
In the cover of night, you took your mother's sewing kit and tried to fix him up as best as you could. In the morning, the bear was now sporting mismatched eyes of black and red, and a haphazzardly stitched shoulder. That was Kuu. Your first friend.
You went on many adventures with Kuu. You fought aliens, became pirates, and you even became prime minister. [Kuu was your Aide-de-camp] It was great having someone to play with. Everynight, you'd hide him under your tiny bed and went to sleep planning your adventures for the next day.
Weeks passed, and Kuu and you were the best of buddies.
One morning when you woke up and checked on Kuu under your bed, he wasn't there. |