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!yVrZbEGJ8A 04/26/12(Thu)03:44 No.18867322 File: 1335426290.gif-(4 KB, 576x324, loading-screen.gif)
 rolled 4 = 4
>>18867240 Indeed...... >>18867238 Keeping eye contact is the most important thing. The issue is, he can make us break eye contact whenever he fires his gun, if he is a true ace, he will use that to make us dive into cover while he does as well, effectively blinding us to where he is and then he can sneak up on us again. It's why I suggest the fast, all offense tactic to keep him mid range, and when he fires his gun the first time, we are going to have to go with closing the gap and allowing him to try to hit us with the MLv, taking an arm maybe or something, in a suicidal blow tactic that will allow us to unload into him at close range. Keeping it at mid range, unless we can ALWAYS maintain eye contact, will be bad because we will HAVE to take cover from his beam rifle, which eliminates the purpose of having eyes on him at all times TO keep him at mid range.
>Make Contact >Keep within sights >He begins charging gun/rifle >we have three choices, fire on him, and hope to disrupt his aim, evade and take cover, breaks eye contact and ability to track him putting him at the advantage, or charge him, taking him by surprise to see a mid-range build closing hte gap with him with an obviously outclassed AC, he reacts as he should bring his sword to bear but we anticipated and went for a "our arm, for your head" tactic (tried to stay away from face for you AC-Guy) |